SiMple guide to the right diet

How to feed your bengal

Alimentation is the base to a healthy, happy and full life of your kitten
What do we give to our Bengals?
Raw Food is an optimal choice as long as we can perfectly adapt it to an eqilibrate diet, meat (muscles), bones, blood, interiors such as heart, intestine, liver and lungs (they are included in some diets but we do not recommend them because they can provocate vomit in cats) those ingredients should be alternated or putted together in the rotation. Sometimes for different reasons it is not possible to give interiors and for that reason and another one that will be citated later, supplements are one of the best solutions, they help us to fill at best their nutritional needs, they are necessary because in nature they assume everything till the last protein trought their prey and it differentiates from raw food because the molecular composition variates from alive animals.
The meet that we recorecommend is: quails, rabbit, chicken and turkey, obviously everything should be freezed for at least 14 days of putted in the blast chiller for around 2/3 hours. Kittens till 1 year and a half have to eat as much as they want, because they are in their period of growth and from the quantity of food they eat depend if they will be big or small. The general amount is from 80g to 120g less than 80g will not be ok, we can understand that they need more if they finish their portion in a short time. For us is difficult to give blood and some interiors so we prefer using supplements, we give them some of the essential amminoacids that they only can assume with food and because their organism don't produce them, such as taurine, it is better to add this one everyday as long as it can't be overdosed and neither stored in the organism because cats eliminate taurine with feces but is necessary for example for a healthy cardiosistem and eyes.