Less stress and more love

Behavior with Bengal cats

What is the right way to treat your cat?
How to behave with the Bengal cat in the right way, to bring stress to the bare minimum, for both, for the cat and for us, to find the right balance between mastery and affection, the right amount of prohibition and game. We all agree on the fact that the Bengal differs a lot from an European cat, even in just small ways.
For example, if an European cat has to be petted from the head to the base of the tail, a Bengal cat has to be petted up to the end of the tail, as their lion ancestors do in their pride, embracing each other with their tails as a sign of love.
From an early age, Bengal need to be petted and picked up, so in that way they get used to the touch of hands, so they will grow up sweet and affectionate and will be able to give lots and lots of affection, as we can give to them. For the Bengal it is very important to have company, from the human he loves or from his animal friend who can be a cat or even a dog. In our cattery all the kittens grow up accustomed to playing and even sleeping together with a Rotwiler and a pug. The company also has an impact on their health!
They very active, lively and above all playful cats, from morning to evening, with a siesta at midday, the cat is entertained by any type of game, with their friend, with a toy found on the ground and of course with their owner.
While playing with the kitten it is preferable not to use your hands especially due to the fact that as children they play with other kittens using their paws and mouth, therefore they will also do it with a hand, they can be so overwhelmed by the game that they do not case if for example they bite slightly too much.  While for their peers it does not create any kind of problem since they are able to easily make it clear that they have exaggerated, this is not the case for us.
What is the secret of saying No in the right way to your Bengal cat?
First of all we must know that the question of mastery is totally normal, given that, always comparing ourselves to the pride of lions we understand that there was a master too, or the leader of the pride, in the family as in the pride there must be someone who dominates, and it can be any member of the family, including the cat)))
And now let's move on to how to say no to them, since they were little their mothers took them by the neck to educate them or move them to a safe place, so we can do it too but with a hand, it is clear that everything is correct because the kitten curls up like a bag carrying the hindquarters close to the belly.  With this gesture accompanied by a 'No' a ban is established, making sure that there are not too many, the priorities are chosen.
For example: I don't want my Bengal to climb on the table, he climbs on the table, I take him behind the neck, I say no and I put him down anywhere other than the table, and I repeat this a few times until he memorizes the fact that he can't get on the table and doesn't do it anymore.
It is important to repeat it from the first days when the kitten arrived in the house where it will live so as not to create this doubt: but why could I easily get on the table yesterday and not today? 

Of course, the mastery must not be excessive enough to completely cover what the cat wants: we can forbid them to go to places that are dangerous for them or really important to us, but we certainly cannot do certain things such as forcing them to swim, it's true that Bengals like water but obviously not everyone, like us people too, or if the cat has gone out of the house a few times and it wasn't really to his liking, it is quite inhumane to continue to force walks, as you must respect your cat despite the mastery.
Of course, the mastery must not be excessive enough to completely cover what the cat wants: we can forbid them to go to places that are dangerous for them or really important to us, but we certainly cannot do certain things such as forcing them to swim, it's true that Bengals like water but obviously not everyone, like us people too, or if the cat has gone out of the house a few times and it wasn't really to his liking, it is quite inhumane to continue to force walks, as you must respect your cat despite the mastery.